
Purplux Awards

How much does it suck not to have your creative pieces awarded just because you didn’t reach five hundred gazillion views? YouTube is awesome and gives you plenty of views and analytics on how many people are commenting, liking, watching and sharing your videos but they’ve fell short in one key aspect: Customer appreciation.

At Purplux we seek to highlight the many creative, inspiring and perplexing videos from around the world. At the end of every year we will tally up the results and have our team of content curators review all of the top rated videos and issue awards to those distinguished creators.

 What’s so special about the Purplux Awards?

Our awards are non-partial and totally free of bias. This means that no one is slipping cash under the table. We aren’t basing the winners off of number of views. We are judging solely on creativeness, originality, awesomeness and innovation.

The content creators will receive the coveted “Purplux Award” emblem to post on their pages, videos and anywhere else they see fit. So award winners, wear the emblem with pride. You are a select few. The Chosen. The Admired. The Elite…. The Purplux.

We will eventually have prizes for the winners. Business owners/representatives: If you have a products or services which you would like to offer to the winners please use our contact page to submit a request.