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The Latest Inspiration & Motivation

Geese Tsunami

Geese Tsunami

A geese tidal wave... Dang! The question is, who is going to clean up the mess?

Top 10 Tech Christmas Gifts

Top 10 Tech Christmas Gifts

TechRadar lists the top 10 Christmas gifts in technology. These Christmas gift are quirky, geeky and look like lots of fun!

Christmas Gifts for Her

Christmas Gifts for Her

| Need a little inspiration on what to get her for Christmas? Well take advice from a her for gifts for her.

3D Printed Body Parts

3D Printed Body Parts

| 3D printed body parts??? I don't know about that but it seems to be some major breaks in science over the last few years. 3D printing is set to drastically change the way we build just about everything.

Shipped By A Drone

Shipped By A Drone

Ahh, humans make me happy sometimes! Excellent invention and if Amazon is releasing a video about it then you know it's coming soon. Drone delivered goods = awesome!

Weird Science (Cool Projects)

Weird Science (Cool Projects)

DNA tagging for riot control, interactive floors, a new way to use a touch screen, self healing wire? Sheesh, to much geekiness in one video!

Jesus Loves Strippers

Jesus Loves Strippers

Inspiring story. How many are willing to go into the trenches where folks really need the most help? Missionary and ex-stripper goes into strips clubs looking to inspire others to leave as well

Sperm Whale Explodes (GROSS)

Sperm Whale Explodes (GROSS)

| We won't make this video autoplay because it is EXTREMELY GROSS. You've been warned. This dead sperm whale explodes as some dude tampers with it's bloated stomach.... Imagine how disgusted he must have felt. EWWW

Kanye Spazzes on Sway + Nike + Fashion + More

Kanye Spazzes on Sway + Nike + Fashion + More

It's good to have friends you can fall out with and still nothing changes. West talks about classism, the air yeezy's, the red octobers, the adidas deal, and a bunch of other stuff... oh yeah and how he's the Michelangelo of this generation, you know the usual.

Haymaker’s Galore

Haymaker’s Galore

All the haymaker's you can stand, shot my Fox's Phantom Cam at UFC 167. Ouch.

Rap god – Eminem

Rap god – Eminem

Eminem channels his inner Neo from the matrix and flexes his lyrical muscle like non other.

Kids & Spankings

Kids & Spankings

Spank your kids? You may want to think twice. Recent studies show an adverse effect on kids who were spanked... ahem... mom?

Isosine – ‘Hearts’

Isosine – ‘Hearts’

Oh so soulful don't you agree. This mashup of Bon Iver- 'Perth' + Calvin Harris ft. Ellie Goulding - 'I Need Your Love' + Childish Gambino - 'Heartbeat' + Jeremy Lim ft. Serena Sun - 'Know You (Voices Remix)' is amazing... whew that was a mouthful.

How to Use the Public Bathroom

How to Use the Public Bathroom

If you've ever needed to know the correct way to use the bathroom in public, this is it. Starring Stephon LaMar, Sarah Gregory, and Andrew Gregory. BTW the acoustics in the bathroom are quite nice. Hilarious

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