
Get Everything You Ever Wanted Now!

Here is a video about getting everything you want out of life. Let us know what you think.
Racist Siri

Racist Siri

I know this is old but I bet you didn't know Siri could be racist, lol. Siri takes a turn for the worst and decides to show her true colors...

The Wheel: Reinvented

The Wheel: Reinvented

Now you have to have some guts to try to successfully reinvent the wheel and if anybody is up to the challenge it is MIT. The city of Copenhagen and MIT have created a wheel to replace the back wheel of your bike and increase your pedal power by as much as 20%. It...

Animated Tower

Animated Tower

A giant human and architectural performance realized by NOTsoNOISY Guillaume Reymond and Trivial Mass Production. The 11 floors tower of the HESAV (Health High School Vaud) has been animated

3D Printed Body Parts

3D Printed Body Parts

| 3D printed body parts??? I don't know about that but it seems to be some major breaks in science over the last few years. 3D printing is set to drastically change the way we build just about everything.

Shipped By A Drone

Shipped By A Drone

Ahh, humans make me happy sometimes! Excellent invention and if Amazon is releasing a video about it then you know it's coming soon. Drone delivered goods = awesome!